Thursday, February 12, 2009

A Birth Date

Our Doctor who is delivering the baby is not available on the current due date of April 5. She will be out of town camping. Her last available date is April 1. April Fool's Day. At first when we were talking about due dates back in August, I hoped that my child would not be born on April Fool's Day. But now I like the idea.

There will always be something to talk about and I like that so far not one person has thought it was a good idea. Superstitions abound. Even if you're not superstitious, why choose that date? Why give the child anything extra to fight against in this world when everything is so difficult already?

Sentimental hogwash. I believe there is an inherent coolness in being different. If you can be born on April Fool's day and be reasonably intelligent then you have one mark in your favor already. Of course, if my child is not gifted with intelligence then I had better do some quick thinking about how to help him or her in other ways... being born on April Fool's Day will be the least of his or her problems.

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